These illustrations are part of an ongoing series on anxiety I started in early April 2018, as part of #The100DayProject. (See @helloanxiety_illustrated on Instagram to see more complete stories of each individual). This project is an extension of the fear illustrations I've been creating since 2012 (www.fear-illustrated).
He’s not about wondering whether or not he’ll be surrounded when the sun rises, for there’s no moment but this very one. The world is his audience and he decided to sing for it in style every single day.
I've started a new sketch book (one of many, lol), which I am dedicating to ink drawings only. No pencils, no watercolours, just pen and ink :) I drew this doodle today with a Uniball pen and a light ink wash for the space sky. No reference, totally made up. Mistakes and all! Available as stickers and other goodies on Red Bubble.
Sketchbook is Stillman and Birn Alpha - I love, love, love the whiteness of its pages!
I love creating work that starts from a point in nature and develops into something more abstract, something that can be interpreted in many different ways. It’s interesting to hear what people see, what connection to their own life they bring when viewing a work.